
Home  Introduction  America First  Lindbergh  FDR  Pearl Harbor After the Debate Analysis  Time line  Process Paper  Annotated Bib.

    We picked this topic because we found it quite interesting to know what happened before we went to war. Melissa wanted to see what her brother learned in WWII and Orlando wanted to learn about the many effects WWII had and the impact war left behind. We learned a lot about WWII from the debate and Melissa thinks it was the liberals fault for not entering the war. Melissa thinks that if we went to war with England and France, thousands of lives would be saved. 

    Orlando thinks that it would be better if the America First Committee wouldn't  get involved America would have gone to war in 1939  Japan would have never attack Pearl Harbor in the first place. also I think that  that if America didn't go into war that people would be speaking German.   

    In conclusion, history changed because the U.S. went to war  to war two years after the war started. Also history changed because 50-70 million people were killed in war. This topic affected his toy Politically  because it proved that the liberals were wrong. This topic changed history economically because the great Depression ended, but people had to rebuild up there homes and businesses. Socially history changed b because people had unresolved feeling against each other. Religion changed in history because anyone has the right to be anything. 

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