Annotated Bibliography


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Primary Sources

Carey, John. Eyewitness to History. New York: Avon Books, 1987. This book helped us understand that what the troops felt and saw as they were marching down the streets that was boomed by the atomic boom. Also this source helped me understand the destruction an Atomic Boom can cause on a place. We got this source from Mr. Yoder.

Nevins, Allan; Steele Henry. WITNESS TO AMERICA: A DOCUMENTARY HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES FROM ITS DISCOVERY TO MODERN TIMES. Untied States: Barnes& Nobel,1996. This source helped us find information on Franklin D. Roosevelt. It also told us what he did in office, while the senator explains why he did what he did. We found this source in Mr. Yoder's classroom. 

Secondary sources

“A Brief History of WWII, The United States Enters the War.” [] December 1, 2010. This website is useful to us by giving us information on the United States entry into WWII. It had information on when Hitler declared war on the United States and explained what happened at that time. We found this website by looking for “World War II information.”

Alden, Whitman. “Lindbergh says U.S. ‘lost’ World War II.” [http;//] October 5, 2010. This website helped us find information about Charles Lindbergh. It explained what he did and why he did it. It tells that Lindbergh had a journal and he tells what happened. We got this website by looking for “Lindbergh.”

“American Isolationism Before World War II.”[] September 16, 2010. This website helped us know what Lindbergh did and how Americans reacted to his speeches. It also gave me some research on the America First Committee. We found this website by looking up " America first and Charles Lindbergh."

“Attack on Pearl Harbor Information about attack on Pearl Harbor”[] December 1, 2010. This website gave us information on the stack on Pearl Harbor . It explained what happened and why it happened. It told us how it made us go to WWII. We found this website by looking up “ Pearl Harbor information.”

“Charles Lindbergh.” [] September 16, 2010. This website had details on Charles Lindbergh’s history. It explained why Charles Lindbergh went to AFC and what he did. We found this website by also searching "Charles A. Lindbergh."

Cole, Wayne S. Charles A. Lindbergh and the Battle Against American Intervention in World War II. New York : Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1974. This book helped us find what Charles A. Lindbergh did in America First and what he was going against. we found this book in Mr. Yoder’s classroom.

Gordon, David. “ America First: The Anti-war Movement, Charles Lindbergh and the Second World War.” [] September 16, 2010. This website showed what the America First Committee reacted to. This also showed how Charles A. Lindbergh reacted and why he went to the AFC. We found this website while searching for "Charles Lindbergh."

 Moser, John and Lori Hahn. “The Great Debate: Internationalists vs. Isolationist.”[] September 15, 2010. In this website, it told about when the debate started and what is was about. It also told about how Americans got involved in the debate. We  found this website while searching for "America First and the debate on WWII."

 “Preceding Events.” [] October 5, 2010. This source helped us learn about the different countries and how they were important in the debate over the entry into WWII. We found this website by looking for "World War II information.”

Richard, Sheldon. “The America First Committee” [] December 1, 2010. This website helped us research THE America First committee and what the committee did. It had information on how it got it’s name and who was in it. We found this website by looking for “ America first Committee 1940.”

Simkin, John. [] December 1, 2010. We find this website useful for looking up Franklin Roosevelt. It gave us a biography on Franklin D. Roosevelt and what he did. We found this website by looking for “Franklin D. Roosevelt.”

“The Manhattan Project: Making the Atomic Bomb” [] December 1, 2010. This website is useful to us by giving us information on what happened after the debate. The Manhattan project gave us details on the atomic bombs and when it was made. We found this website by looking up “Manhattan Project.”

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