Charles A. Lindbergh

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    Lindbergh was a noted isolationist and a leader in the America First Committee to keep the U.S. out of the war. Some Americans thought Lindbergh was a supporter for the Nazis and his support for the America First Committee was merely giving voice to emotion of some American people. Americans kept debating on the war; “however, Lindbergh fought the Lend-Lease act and the Atlantic charter.”

            Lindbergh continued criticizing the act and made speeches that influence the American people not to go to war. “Lindbergh then moved on to criticizing the supposed ‘verge of war’ that led the U.S. to.” On September 11, 1941, Charles A. Lindbergh gave a speech called "The Des Moines Speech." 

Click Here to Listen to "The Des Moines Speech"

      This speech provoked Americans to go to war. The speech got Lindbergh’s name removed from his hometown and led to accusations of him being an anti-Semite.15 After this Lindbergh wasn’t the same. He stopped becoming the spokesman of AFC and “he refused for a while to appear at America First rallies.” Lindbergh didn’t know what to do and, “like the rest of the Committee, had been driven by fear of communism. Lindbergh blamed war propaganda for influencing the American population.”  


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