The Manhattan Project   

Home The Manhattan Project is the code name for the U.S. government's secret project that was established before WWII for the development of a new weapon. The new weapon was known as the atomic bomb. A German scientist, known as Albert Einstein, helped with the designing and creation of the bomb, and proved later on to have played an important role. J. Oppenheimer was the lead scientist at the laboratories at Los Alamos in New Mexico, where, by the time the a-bomb was finished, employed over 3000 of the greatest minds in physics. In December of 1944, Einstein and Oppenheimer finished the atomic bomb.



Letter From Einstein To Roosevelt

Letter From Roosevelt To Einstein


"I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones."
-Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein Photo

America's Place in the War
The Manhattan Project
Progress in the War
Completion of the A-Bomb
Dropping of the A-Bomb
After the Bomb
Impact of the A-Bomb
Process Paper
Annotated Bibliography