
Home The bombing of Nagasaki took place on August 9, 1945. With 20 years of radiation deaths included, the bombing killed between 100,000 and 200,000 people. The reason why Nagasaki was chosen is unknown or has not been released. Both a-bombs of Hiroshima and Nagasaki are reported to have killed less than the fire-bombings of Tokyo.

WWII Atomic Bomb - Little Boy

Little Boy, the bomb dropped on Nagasaki


"To die for the Emperor is to live forever."
- Japanese Army Slogan

The destruction of the a-bomb on Nagasaki

America's Place in the War
The Manhattan Project
Progress in the War
Completion of the A-Bomb
Dropping of the A-Bomb
After the Bomb
Impact of the A-Bomb
Process Paper
Annotated Bibliography